If you have heard the famous three R's in saving our environment
-- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, saving money on ink also has its own version --
Recycling, Refilling, and Reducing. There have been companies that offer cash
or discounts for used, empty ink cartridges provided by the original printer
manufacturer. Another way that you can add up to the established three R's in
saving ink is to reuse your old cartridge by purchasing refill kits instead of
buying a new one. Not only do you save money, you also help the environment --
a definite win-win situation.
When saving your printer ink, the key is to reduce the amount of
total ink you use. Read on to find out how to save your precious ink,
therefore, saving money in the long run.
Most printer models provide an option where you can select
Economy or Draft mode if you go to the properties section of your printer. By
selecting this mode, you will get a slightly lighter, less precise quality, but
it will surely save ink. This option is ideal if you're simply printing a draft
or a document such as an informal letter, which does not need to be of very
high quality. You can also benefit from using the economy mode because your
document will print faster and will dry quicker.
It has been a standard operating procedure to check first your
documents for any typo error before hitting the Print button. If you miss to
overlook this process, there's a great chance of seeing corrections way too
late because your printer is already working on its task. If your document is
just one to two pages long, it won't harm to read its contents for a few
minutes to make sure that there are no spelling, grammar, or formatting
corrections missed. For documents that are few pages long, Microsoft Word has a
spelling checker feature that you can run to make a quick scan your documents
for spelling errors. Re-printing the same document simply because you did not
double check your document is a big waste of ink.
When you get a warning message from your printer telling you
that the ink is running low, don't panic yet. Chances are, you have 10-30% ink
left on the cartridge. So what do you need to do? Remove the ink cartridge from
the printer, then slowly sway it from side to side, and then reinsert it. This
way, the remaining ink will be redistributed in the cartridge and will let you
print a few more pages. You can even repeat this process more than once to
completely max out your ink. So the rule here is to keep on printing until your
printer stops doing so.
Make it a point not to switch off your printer until it completes
its cycle. Turning off the printer while the cartridge is still moving will
force the printer's head to stop in the exact place where you turned it off.
Doing so may cause the printer nozzle to dry out and the ink to leak.
If you're planning to use your printer again soon, it's
recommended to leave it on than to switch it off and then on again repeatedly.
This is because you printer uses a bit of ink every time it goes through
initialization phase when you turn it on.
If you will be printing a black and white document, and your
printer has both black and colored cartridges, make it a habit to change your
printer's properties to the black-only mode. This is because some printers
automatically mix some of its color cartridge with the black one in order to
print a plain black and white document. If you never change the printer
properties to black-only mode, there's still a possibility that your color
cartridge will still run out even if you never printed a colored document.
There are a number of companies out there that produce ink
saving software, which can be downloaded from the Internet for free. Such
programs are developed with the goal of optimizing your printer's data so that
your printer uses less ink even while printing at high resolution.
These ink saving tips are pretty straightforward and easy to do,
and can surely save you more money. Now, you don't need to muscle your way through
a tight budget due to ink crisis.
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