As a small business
owner, do you feel like your content marketing strategy needs an extra push?
Here's our guide that you can follow in order to get better content marketing
What You're Selling
You can’t possibly
create top-shelf content until you know what you’re selling — and why.
The roots of truly
effective content marketing run deep. Long before you create a single piece of
customer-facing content, you need to ask yourself and your team some basic
questions that will define your strategy going forward. Such as:
- Why are we in
business? Lays the groundwork for your mission/value statement.
- What needs do our products or
services fill? What are their use cases? Wireframes your key
marketing messages.
- Who are our competitors? How
are they positioning themselves? What can we learn from them? A
little inspiration never hurt.
- How do people hear about us?
What’s the most effective way to reach them? Marketing strategies
live and die by ROI.
(and Segment) Your Audience
Modern content marketing
is all about effective targeting. Effective targeting is all about knowledge —
detailed knowledge about who your customers are, where they live and work, what
motivates them, and why they want what you’re selling.
Your company’s
universe of potential buyers is broad, not inscrutable. It’s just begging to be
segmented into a manageable number of ideal buyer groups -- generalized
profiles that combine demographic data, occupation, social status, motivation,
use cases, past buying history, and more.
According to digital
marketing entrepreneurs, sophisticated segmentation means looking beyond broad
demographic categories to create detailed profiles of your ideal buyers.
There’s no such thing as knowing too much about your prospects and customers.
Influencer Relationships
Many hands make light
work — especially when those hands have big networks and bigger megaphones.
Early on, cultivate
relationships with influential people in your organization’s industry or sphere
of influence. Use their expansive social media reach and built-in credibility
to broadcast your content farther than your network will allow. Influential
people are usually willing to share excellent content that makes them look good
by association.
Content Accessible Across Your Organization
Your organization’s
right hand needs to know what the left is doing. This means content marketing
is a team effort that extends well beyond those directly responsible for
producing content — to the sales team, business development shop, account
management department, all the way up to the C-suite. Responsive, unified messaging is a recipe for content marketing
Your Audience Guessing
Variety is the spice of life — and content marketing. Publishing one blog post per week and supporting with a couple social posts does not a complete content marketing strategy make. Use a wider mix of media: videos, memes, blog posts, longform guides, white papers, case studies, podcasts, and anything else that aligns with your brand and target audiences. Deliver excellent, useful content and your prospects won’t mind the guessing game.
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