Friday, January 9, 2015

Some Habits that Can Make Your Computer Run Better and Protect It Online and Physically As Well

It’s been proven that bad habits can be made worse by technology. So, instead of getting used to these bad habits, and invite bad things that may happen to your computer, you can use technology to break these bad habits and create good habits. When you get used to these good habits, you'll soon see the results of a computer that runs better and protecting it both from online attacks and physical deterioration.

Never leave equipment in plain sight
This is one habit you should practice, because very often, people have the bad habit of leaving their computers in plain sight while taking their coffee orders or going to the bathroom. It doesn't take long for someone at a nearby table or near the window to react to the temptation and snatch up your laptop. This is a non-techy and no brainer habit that will keep your hard-earned computer safe.

Not cleaning your equipment
Here’s another non-techy no brainer for you; always get in the habit of cleaning your computer, especially your laptop, at least once every 6 months. Dust and grime is the worst enemy of computers because it will prevent the fans inside to function properly, heating up the inside, clog optical-drive mechanisms and other moving parts, and will cause internal damage.

Always back up data
Notice that the first and second tips are non-techy and practical, since most tips given are technical in nature. Now, this one is the most ignored until something happens to the computer, and after the crash, you wish you had backed up your important files. Get into the habit of backing up your data; you can use cloud-storage systems, or do it physically by using external disks, adding another hard disk to your PC, or burning your data onto CD’s or DVD’s.

Using different passwords and frequently changing passwords
Here’s a habit that can't be emphasized enough; in this age of hacking and identity thieves, you need to get into the habit of having different passwords for every online account you have, including social media sites. Not only that, the passwords need to be really hard to hack; your birthday or wedding anniversary just won't cut it because these can be easily figured out. Also, change your passwords at least every 6 months.

Never fail to update
Software updates are released and very important because it’s a way for developers to add features, fixes bugs, and plug security holes. More importantly, operating system and security software updates keep equipment stable and secure. Even if updates are automatic, you still need to reboot. Rebooting is also important because it refreshes the system while properly reflecting everything that was installed or updated.

Don’t open up or respond to spam
Make it a habit to go over your spam folder and delete everything without opening or responding to anything. This is where the most viruses and malware hide, and when you open the links or respond to the spam, you leave your computer open to cyber-attacks.

If you follow these good habits, you'll not only prevent your equipment from being attacked or hacked, but you’ll extend their lifespan as well.


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